Captive bred right here in NJ! Father is from Guatemlala and mother is from Belize. This offering is one of the first, if not the first, from a pair of these different locales. This pairing makes for some truly unique color schemes. At 5" they are already displaying some insane pinks, blues, and yellows. One of the most colorful Centrals out there. These will be ready to breed in no time!
Veryunique Centrals with large black patched on the belly and a stunning turqoise green blue and yellow body. Super hearty, easy to breed, and large growing. Not available often.
A larger growing Central American cichlid, and reigning from southern Mexico. The coolest part of the marbled fenestratus is that they’re all unique. Each fish is morphologically variant. No two fish have the same patterning. They really are one of the most spectacularly colored fish available. Usually pretty hard to find, we brought in a ton to give a wide variety of patterning available. As they age, the reds, greens, whites, yellows and blues will start popping. Do yourself a favor and Google images of the adults. They’re our all time favorite Central American cichlid. We are hoping that they will become breeding projects in your tanks! We have a large group set aside to grow up for breeders for ourselves as well!
One of the most beautiful and colorful fish on the planet. We can ensure that you wont find these many other places, if anywhere! A true Central American gem. Blue spangling throughout the boy with lots of red and yellow on the underbody and fins.
The infamous firemouth. These beauties are hand selected and tank raised to ensure the highest quality of health and color. You wont believe the orange on these.Suited best for mild aggressive to aggressive tanks.
The real deal, and captive bred. True Carpintis are hard to come by these days after so many years of hybridization. Large spotted, bright green and electric blue. These are some of the prettiest Central American fish around. These larger growing cichlids will do well in species only tanks or with other large Central American cichlids.
Captive bred Uaru Amphiacanthoides. Native to Amazon river basins in northern Brazil and Guyana, Uaru are generally found in very low pH water. Being captive bred, these fish are fully acclimated to tap water at higher pH levels. Meaning they are very easy to keep and far less prone to disease. They are large growing peaceful cichlids. As they age they have beautful brown coloration with striking red eyes and large black blocks of contrast on their bodies.
Incredibly beautiful albinos in stock. Super red bodies and red threading off the fins! Also known as Threadfin Acara for their long red dorsal and tailfin threads. Much like Geophagus, these earth eaters will spend their day sifting sand through their gills in search of food. Heckelii do well with fish of similar size and stay generally peaceful in community tanks.
Another rarity in the hobby, these are absolute gems in the pike world. Captive bred and eating everything in sight. They only reach around 7" making them a great option for smaller predator tanks. Bright gold speckling throughout a green body. One of the prettiest pikes available, and not available often!
One of the pike holy grails. Arguably one of the most red colored pikes on the planet. These guys are slamming mysis, krill and blood worms. Never fed live!
Some consider these the holy grail of Sevrums. A very rare offering of captive bred F1 generation Turqoise Sevrums. Brilliant bright blue bodies accompany their red hues and black striping. For the Sevrum fans out there like ourselves, you won't want to miss these.
Some of the nicest Sevrums we've ever seen. Beautiful blue patterning in their faces accompanied by bright red and orange with tiger stripe black bars running down their bodies. These are serious show quality fish. Captive bred Peruvian Red Shoulder Sevrums. Highly sought after these are some of the more rare sevrums out there.
A very cool color morph featuring an albino body with red spotting throughout. Sevrums are a peaceful south american cichlid that can do very well in community to semi aggressive tanks.
Stunning and highly sought after cichlids. They get their name from the natives for their striking coloration and facial markings as compared to Macaws. Adults will reach around 10".
One of the newer color morphs on the market. Tha name says it all. A classic in the hobby, yet super unique and bright bright bright yellow.
The brightest and highest quality chili reds we have ever seen. Check out our social media for videos of them. These are true chili reds and will retain their color as they grow.
Absolutely stunning show pieces.
My all time favortie kitty. Nothing compares to these large growing tiger striped beauties. Never fed live!
The legendary goonch! These massive devil cats can exceed 3' long in captivity and grow to over 5' in the wild. Extremely rare in the hobby, you don't want to miss out! As seen on Jeremy Wades River Monsters.
You don’t want to miss these… Pink Synodontis Petricola! For all you catfish collectors out there this is a real treat. To start these are NOT hybrids. These Petricola have been line bred over the years to reduce the brown coloration and reach the desired pink hue. A natural process that really makes for a special animal. These are relatively brand new on the market in the US and rarely seen across the world. We’ve kept a few for ourselves. Staying a lovely smaller size these Petricola will top out around 3.5-4”, making them outstanding in schools for any smaller aquarium or community tank. Very easy to keep as well! These fish are eating anything we throw at them like the true clean up crew they are.
Rare!!! One of the most sought after catfish on the market. These heavily armored monsters are the baddest cats of all time. Reaching 24" as adults. Don't be fooled by the large body spikes, they are very peaceful in aquariums. These omnivorous catfish will accept a wide variety of food, and accept a wide range of pH.
A staple cleanup pleco. Add to any order for the best algae eating pleco around. Super hardy and very neat fish.
The real deal! Absolute toothy monsters.
There is no denying the love we have for these fish. True freshwater monster puffers capable of reaching 30+". These are peaceful creatures and can be housed we small community fish. We do not recommend keeping them with aggressive fish.
These monsters are just too cool. With a honeycomb pattern and a face that only a mother could love, we're sure you won't find these at this size or quality anywhere else.
The only true freshwater morays on the planet. These eels are absolutely stunning. Bright gold and black coloration. Eels are highly intelligent and have really cool personalities. These eels can be kept in tap water making them very easy to care for. These are VERY rare. They have been eating market shrimp right out of our hands!
Black Bar silver dollars will make a great schooling dither fish for your aquarium as well. These large growing silver dollars are great to add some activity and balance. Once they reach adult size the dominant males will start to exhibit a bright red shoulder pattern which is really spectacular to see!
In my humble opinion these are the coolest silver dollars out there. I keep a large group at home in with my monster fish and they are stunning. Very rare and very cool.
You read that right. Platinum senegals are in stock and ready to ship! A very rare color morph of these dinosaurs.